Can custard apple be grown from seed?

Can Custard Apple be Grown from Seed? Discover the Answer Here!

Have you ever wondered if you can grow custard apple from seed? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, I will explore the process of custard apple cultivation from seeds, including seed germination, propagation techniques, and proper care. Whether you’re a gardening enthusiast or simply curious about growing your own custard apple tree, this article will provide you with all the information you need.

Custard apples, also known as sugar apples or cherimoyas, are delicious fruits native to tropical America. They are widely cultivated in various parts of India, China, the Philippines, Egypt, and Central Africa. With their sweet and creamy flesh, custard apples are a popular favorite among fruit lovers.

If you’re eager to try your hand at growing custard apples, you’ll be pleased to know that they can indeed be grown from seed. There are two main varieties of custard apples: Pinks Mammoth, which is larger and can produce up to 3kg of fruit, and African Pride, which is smaller and usually weighs between 500g-800g.

So, let’s dive into the process of growing custard apple from seed and unlock the secrets to successfully nurturing these delightful fruits!

Key Takeaways:

  • Growing custard apple from seed is possible and can be a rewarding experience.
  • Soak the seeds in water for 4 days before planting for better germination.
  • Provide a warm and humid environment for custard apple seed germination.
  • Custard apple trees can be grown in containers or in the garden.
  • Proper care, including watering and fertilization, is crucial for the healthy growth of custard apple seedlings.

The Process of Growing Custard Apple from Seed

To grow custard apple from seeds, begin by collecting seeds from a ripe fruit. Soak the seeds in water for 4 days before allowing them to air dry. Prepare a well-draining soil mixture for planting the seeds in a pot or container, ensuring that the soil is moist but not soaked. Sow the seeds about 1 inch deep and keep the soil damp and warm.

Germination can take about 3 weeks in temperature ranging between 18 and 25°C (64 and 77°F). Once the seedlings reach a height of 3 to 4 inches, they can be transplanted into larger containers or into the garden.

Tips for Custard Apple Seeds Germination

  • Soak the seeds in water or scarify the seed coat to improve germination rate
  • Use seeds from sweet and high-quality custard apples for better results
  • Plant the seeds in well-draining soil and provide regular watering
  • Germination period is typically within 30 days
  • Provide adequate sunlight, water, and regular fertilization for seedlings

Custard Apple Seed Germination

Table: Ideal Conditions for Custard Apple Seed Germination

Temperature Moisture Light Time
18-25°C (64-77°F) Moist, not soaked Indirect sunlight Approximately 3 weeks

Custard Apple Seed Germination Tips and Techniques

When it comes to custard apple seed germination, there are a few tips and techniques that can help increase the success rate. One important factor is the quality of the seeds used. It is recommended to use seeds from sweet and high-quality custard apples. These seeds have a higher chance of germinating and producing healthy seedlings.

Before planting the seeds, they can be soaked in water for a few hours or lightly scarified by gently sanding the seed coat. This process can help to soften the hard shell and promote quicker germination. After preparing the seeds, it is important to plant them in a well-draining soil mix to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to rotting.

During the germination period, it is essential to provide the seeds with a warm and humid environment. The ideal temperature range for custard apple seed germination is between 18 and 25°C (64 and 77°F). Regular, but not excessive, watering is necessary to keep the soil moist. Overwatering can cause the seeds to rot, so it’s important to find the right balance.

Custard Apple Seedling Care

Once the custard apple seedlings emerge, they require proper care to ensure their healthy growth. Adequate sunlight is crucial for their development, so placing them in a location with direct sunlight for a few hours each day is recommended. If grown indoors, using artificial grow lights can also provide the necessary light.

In terms of watering, it is important to provide the seedlings with regular moisture, but again, avoid overwatering. The soil should be kept evenly moist, allowing it to partially dry out between waterings. This will prevent waterlogged conditions that can lead to root rot.

Additionally, regular fertilization is necessary to provide the seedlings with essential nutrients. A balanced fertilizer formulated for fruit trees can be applied every 4-6 weeks during the active growing season. This will support their overall growth and help them establish a strong root system.

Custard apple seed germination

Germination Tips Germination Techniques
Use seeds from sweet and high-quality custard apples Soak the seeds in water for a few hours or lightly scarify the seed coat
Plant in well-draining soil mix Provide a warm and humid environment for germination
Keep the soil moist but avoid overwatering Ensure adequate sunlight and regular fertilization for seedling care

Can Custard Apple Grow in Pots? Tips for Planting and Care

If you’re wondering whether custard apple can be grown in pots, the answer is yes! This tropical fruit tree can be successfully cultivated in containers, allowing you to enjoy its delicious fruits even if you have limited space. Here are some tips for planting and caring for custard apple in pots.

Choosing the Right Container

When selecting a container for your custard apple tree, opt for one that is at least 10 gallons in size. This will provide enough space for the tree’s roots to grow and thrive. Make sure the pot has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging, as custard apples prefer well-draining soil.

Planting the Tree

Fill the container with a well-draining potting soil mix. Plant the custard apple tree at the same level it was growing in the nursery, ensuring that the roots are covered with soil. Water the tree thoroughly after planting to help settle the soil.

Custard Apple Tree

Care and Maintenance

Place the container in a sunny location, ideally where the tree can receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Protect the tree from strong winds by placing it in a sheltered spot. Water the tree regularly, ensuring that the soil is consistently moist but not overly saturated. Fertilize the tree every 6 to 8 weeks during the growing season with a fruit tree fertilizer or a 2-8-8 formula. Prune the tree as needed to maintain its desired shape and size.

Aspect Care Instructions
Sunlight At least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day
Watering Keep the soil consistently moist
Fertilization Apply fruit tree fertilizer or a 2-8-8 formula every 6 to 8 weeks
Pruning Trim as needed to maintain shape and size

With proper care and attention, your custard apple tree can thrive in a pot and reward you with its sweet and delectable fruits. Enjoy the process of watching it grow and savoring the fruits of your labor!

Soil and Watering Requirements for Custard Apple

Proper soil and watering are essential for the successful growth of custard apple trees. To ensure optimal conditions for your custard apple plant, follow these guidelines for soil preparation and watering:

Soil Requirements

The ideal soil for growing custard apple trees is deep, rich, and well-draining. While custard apple trees can tolerate various soil types, such as sandy, clay, and loam, they thrive best in fertile, loose, and deep soil. Prior to planting, prepare the soil by loosening it and removing any weeds or debris. Adding organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, can further improve soil fertility and drainage. This will provide a nutrient-rich environment for the roots to establish and support the growth of your custard apple tree.

Watering Requirements

Custard apple trees require regular watering, especially during the active growing season. However, it is crucial to strike a balance and avoid over-watering, as excessive moisture can lead to root rot. The frequency of watering will depend on various factors, including the climate, soil type, and stage of growth. As a general guideline, water your custard apple tree deeply but infrequently. Allow the top few inches of soil to dry out between waterings to prevent waterlogging. During the winter dormancy period, reduce the frequency of watering, as the tree’s water requirements are lower.

Custard apple tree

Summarize all

In summary, custard apple trees thrive in deep, rich, and well-draining soil. Fertile, loose, and deep soil is recommended for optimal growth and yield. Adequate watering is also crucial, ensuring regular moisture without excessive waterlogging. By providing the right soil and watering conditions, you can promote healthy growth and enjoy the bountiful harvest of delicious custard apples from your tree.

Insert a relevant table

Soil Type Watering Frequency
Sandy Once or twice a week
Clay Every 10-14 days
Loam About once a week

This table provides general guidelines for watering frequency based on different soil types. However, it is essential to monitor the moisture levels in the soil and adjust watering accordingly. Remember to consider other factors such as rainfall and temperature when determining the watering needs of your custard apple tree.


After exploring the process of growing custard apple from seed and understanding the various tips and techniques for successful germination, it is evident that custard apple can indeed be grown from seed. By following the steps of soaking the seeds, providing the right soil mixture, and creating the ideal germination conditions, custard apple trees can thrive and bear delicious fruits.

Whether you choose to grow custard apple in containers or in the garden, the key is to ensure that the seeds receive adequate moisture and warmth for germination. By using high-quality seeds from sweet custard apples and providing regular care, such as sunlight, water, and fertilization, you can enjoy the satisfaction of watching your custard apple tree flourish.

So, if you’ve ever wondered, “Can custard apple be grown from seed?”, the answer is a resounding yes! With the right knowledge and commitment, you can embark on the journey of growing your own custard apple trees from seeds and experience the joy of nurturing them into fruitful plants.


Can custard apple be grown from seed?

Yes, custard apple can be grown from seed. The seeds should be soaked in water for 4 days before planting and require a warm and humid environment for germination.

What are the varieties of custard apples?

The two main varieties of custard apples are Pinks Mammoth, which is larger and can produce up to 3kg of fruit, and African Pride, which is smaller and usually weighs between 500g-800g.

How long does it take for custard apple seeds to germinate?

Germination can take about 3 weeks in temperatures ranging between 18 and 25°C (64 and 77°F).

How can I improve the germination rate of custard apple seeds?

Soaking the seeds in water or scarifying them by lightly sanding the seed coat can help speed up germination. It is important to use seeds from sweet and high-quality custard apples for better results.

Can custard apple trees be grown in containers?

Yes, custard apple trees can be grown successfully in containers. Select a container that is at least 10 gallons in size and provide the tree with a sunny location protected from strong winds.

What type of soil do custard apple trees thrive in?

Custard apple trees thrive in deep, rich soil that is well-draining. They can adapt to various soil types, including sandy, clay, and loam, but fertile, loose, and deep soil is recommended for optimal growth and yield.

How often should I water my custard apple tree?

Custard apple trees require regular watering during the active growing season, but over-watering should be avoided to prevent root rot. During the winter, when the tree is dormant, watering can be reduced.

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Rachel Cooper

I’m Rachel Cooper, the brain and heart behind AboutWeirdFruits. If you’re here, you probably share the same insatiable curiosity for the fascinating world of exotic fruits that I do. From the spiky Durian to the unique Buddha’s Hand, I’ve been captivated by the diversity, flavors, and benefits these rare fruits bring into our lives.